Friday, April 12, 2013

Orchis to Florianus II

Orchis lost her pregnancy some time over the winter.  She was definitely pregnant to Sir Sinclair when I last checked her in September or October.  Oh, well.  We don't sell many of her babies anyways, so it's one fewer horse I have to keep!  I scanned her last night, and, as luck would have it, she needs to be bred this weekend.  ISF to the rescue one more time! I can always count on Meghan to save my ass.  She had extra Florianus and Sir Sinclair.  I love the temperament and rideability of Florianus, plus he was successful at Grand Prix--additionally, the pictures I've seen of his adult offspring are impressive.  So, when Meghan suggested him, I said, "Let's do it."

This could mean a middle of March baby...hmmm....who has a birthday in the middle of March?  A liver chestnut foal would make a super 54th birthday present next year!

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