Sunday, July 9, 2017

Summer Update

Hey, everyone.  Thanks for bearing with through yet another LONG journal/blog hiatus. Lots to catch up on.

Young KWPN-NA Event

Kate Bruning and Michaela have planned an educational day at SSF this coming Saturday.  We're going to start the day with a conversation about breeding and the philosophy behind our breeding program, then a show and tell of all our horses.  I haven't heard the whole schedule, but I think we have a young horse trainer, an equine dentist, and a blacksmith doing demos and answering questions.  Plus...I'm making lunch and hosting a cocktail hour in the afternoon.  If you're interested in any or all of the event, you don't have to be young or KWPN-NA to attend.  Just shoot me an email or a text and I'll get details to you.

2017 Foals

All babies are safely on the ground (knock on wood).  For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you know already we had a banner colt year.  Six colts and one filly.  This was supposed to be the year we kept a few fillies, and, as luck would have it, the one mare that had a filly is the mare we kept a filly from last year....oh, well--there's always next year.  Here are the babies and descriptions:

Magic Mike SSF (Governor x Contango x Elcaro)

Mikey is a big, solid, beautiful boy.  Solid bay except for one hind white foot.  He looks almost exactly like his full brother who was number one in NA two years ago.  Mikey may be a little heavier in type, but he's equally as good a mover.  He had a pre-sale option on him, but the buyer backed out. No reason.  I'm hoping to get some video footage of him this weekend during the Young KWPN-NA event that is being held here. 

Milestone SSF (Uno Don Diego x Totilas x Jazz)

Tall, black, and beautiful. This boy has the best walk we've ever seen on a foal.  His movement is very much like his famous mom's was at this age.  Miles is already sold, and I'm sure he'll be a phenomenal dressage partner in a few years.

Marcus Aurelius SSF (Roven xx x Jazz x Roemer)

Marcus is Orchis's last foal.  He's smart as a whip, beautiful, and the easiest to handle of any of the dozen Orchis babies we've had. I haven't decided just what to do with Mr. Marcus.  I really want a stallion from this mare.  We'll see.  

Mamet SSF (Vitalis x Donatelli x Jazz)

It looks as if Davey is moving to Holland to be raised as a stallion project.  I'll keep you posted.  We have a stunning collection of foals this year.  Davey is my favorite.

Mahatma SSF (Vitalis x Freestyle x Jazz)

Matty is all dressage horse.  He's got the perfect neck set; he lifts his body up and carries himself; he is super expressive with both the front and hind legs. He maybe a little small, but he's fancy as hell.  Carol and I are both excited about the Vitalis cross on your mares. Matty has a first option on him, but I haven't gotten off my ass to get any video footage of him for the buyer.  Hopefully, this weekend will give us that opportunity.

Mona Liscia SSF (Netto x UB-40 x Pass the Glass xx)

What a character Ms. Mona is.  She is so damn athletic.  I think I keep saying this, but I have no doubt Eliscia SSF will become one of our best producers.  This is another top filly from her.  Mona is already sold.

Moves Like Jagger SSF (Totilas x Sir Sinclair x Jazz)

You have no idea how disappointed I am this foal wasn't a filly.  Oh, my god. We have loved the UB-40 cross on BoWendy, but the Totilas cross is even better.  This boy has the killer Totilas walk and canter and his mother's trot mechanism.  He's a super colt. He's already sold.

2017 Breedings

We're running about 50/50 on  breeding success this year, which is a lot lower than I normally run. I've heard of a lot of people having a tough time getting mares in foal. Hopefully, the second half of July will bring us some good heat cycles and get us some pregnancies.

Gazania (Bon Bravour x Santano)

-ET from Vitalis
-pregnant to UB-40

Hyacintia (Charmeur x Santano)

-ET from Gaudi
-pregnant to Just Wimphof

Galearites SSF (Totilas x Jazz)

-bred to Vitalis to carry--no pg
-bred to Don Martillo for ET--no embryo
-bred to Veneziano for ET--no embryo

D'Orites SSF (Donatelli x Jazz)

-pregnant to Belantis

ZaVita SSF (Contango x Elcaro)

-bred to Democraat--no pg
-two funky cycles without breeding
-this mare didn't conceive the last time she was nursing a foal

Werites SSF (Freestyle x Jazz)

-bred to Veneziano--no pg

Eliscia SSF (UB-40 x Pass the Glass xx)

-bred to Don Olymbrio--too early to check

Carpe Diem SSF (Farrington x Pass the Glass xx)

-bred to Governor--don't think she's pg--need to check again tomorrow

BoWendy (Sir Sinclair x Jazz)

-haven't bred yet

I am determined to spend no more money of frozen semen or breedings this year, so we'll use up what we have in our tank, then whoever is not pregnant by early August gets the year off.  We have Don Olymbrio, Wynton, Don Tango B, Democraat, Donatelli, Governor, Barroso, Roven xx, and some Nubian goat semen that I'm saving for when I get really desperate.


Knock on wood, people like our horses.  Thank you for that. Katmandu SSF (Governor x Samber), Felicites SSF (Rousseau x Jazz), J'Orites SSF (Florianus II x Donatelli), Liberto SSF (Sir Sinclair x Freestyle), Lamborghini SSF (Sir Sinclair x Donatelli), Milestone SSF (Uno Don Diego x Totilas), Mona Liscia SSF (Netto x UB-40), and Moves Like Jagger SSF (Totilas x Sir Sinclair) have all found great homes this spring and early summer. And, I'm pretty sure Mahatma SSF (Vitalis x Freestyle) will convince the woman who has an option on him how cool he is once I get off my butt and get her a video.  

That means we don't have a lot of horses for sale:

Magic Mike SSF (Governor x Contango)

-description above

Kublai Khan SSF (UB-40 x Vincent)

-we have held on to this special boy because we really wanted him as a stallion.  Unfortunately, he just isn't tall enough.  He's only 15.1 hands as a two year old.  I'm sure he'll grow and hit damn near or above 16 hands, but, as a two year old with his pedigree, the KWPN wants him taller. He's one of our best movers ever, and he's super sweet. He will make someone an exceptional dressage horse.  I just have to decide if we're going to geld him before we sell him or not.

and, maybe...

Marcus Aurelius SSF (Roven xx x Jazz)

I'm really hoping to keep this boy. But, I'm also committed to simplifying our lives, and having stallions on the property does anything but simplify a life. I just don't know what to do on this one.

As always with any sales, we're happiest with payment plans, so tell us what works for you. On most horses, we give an automatic 20% discount to return customers and FEI-level riders.

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